Pedag Comfort
COMFORT: The forefoot is often neglected in over the counter, and even custom, orthotics. Yet many people suffer from painful forefoot conditions. Pain, tingling, and burning in the forefoot are symptoms of the foot conditions such as generalized Metatarsalgia, Morton’s Neuroma, Bunions, and even Calluses. These and other conditions are caused and/or continually aggravated when the metatarsal (transverse) arch of the foot spreads. Pedag Comfort redistributes your weight and supports the metatarsal arch by keeping it in an anatomically correct position. This helps keep the delicate nerves, ligaments, tendons, and tissues that surround the metatarsal bones from compressing, pinching, shifting, and grinding into the ground. Pedag Comfort can be used to prevent spreading and overuse injuries from certain sports, relieve discomfort and help prevent further problems when spreading has already occurred. Comfort can help replace protective fat pads lost due to age, heredity, or disease. Comfort is useful if painful foot conditions developed due to a history of wearing ill fitting shoes or high heels. For example, the formation of bunions is thought to be due to heredity and/or poor shoe choices. Comfort’s ¾ length helps keep the toe box area of the shoe roomy-this is an important feature when there is pain and inflammation. Comfort is made of vegetable tanned leather; the metatarsal pad is made of hypoallergenic latex. Comfort has a small heel pad that helps absorb shock. A self adhesive dot keeps Comfort in place inside the shoe. Awarded the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Seal of Acceptance for promoting foot health.