Pedag Feel Good Metatarsal Pads Women’s


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The Pedag Feel Good Metatarsal Pads is a gel splayfoot cushion that makes walking tolerable again.

Familiar across Europe, Asia, Australia and now in the US, Pedag is known for the use of high quality natural materials, anatomically correct orthotics, comfort and relaxed lifestyle.

Pedag Feel Good Metatarsal Pads Women’s Insoles

Features include:

Article No. 173
Gel metatarsal pad
Supports the metatarsal arch
Provides relief from splayfoot symptoms such as burning in the stressed balls of the feet
Ideal if there is little space in the shoe
Self adhesive.
One Size Fits All
If you suffer from a splayfoot you know how this is: the ball of your foot burns and walking becomes a torture. Splayfeet are caused by lowered and flattened transversal arch that increases the pressure in most sensitive areas of the foot. These pressure points and the deformation of the foot provoke strong pain in the forefoot. Pedag FEEL GOOD has been especially designed for women who don’t want to suffer to be beautiful. The anatomically shaped pad has been developed for stressed balls and narrow footwear. The gel pad supports and relieves the metatarsus and the transversal arch, effectively alleviating the pain. The additional lateral “padded wings” protect and cushion the delicate joints of the toes. Our relieving pad will help you to stand through long parties! pedag FEEL GOOD is also suitable for high heeled sandals, as the gel pad is transparent and thus invisible in the shoe. Nevertheless, even with pedag FEEL GOOD in your shoes, your feet sometimes need a rest from high heels. The best for your feet is to frequently change your shoes and heel heights.