Thermoskin Hinged Knee Wrap ROM, 8*278 product image Thermoskin Hinged Knee Wrap ROM, 8*278 alternative product image 5
Thermoskin Open Wrap offers exceptional support and stability from knee surgery through post-operative rehabilitation. Open Wrap design promotes ease of application and makes this brace fully adjustable. Hinges can provide varying flexion extension ranges in 15 degree increments making it the most flexible of our range of motion splints. Range of Motion Hinge (ROM) provides exceptional support through post-operative rehabilitation, maintaining selective ranges of flexion and extension at 15° increments. The Range of Motion Hinge provides stability and may be adjusted to limit extension at 0º, 15º, 30º, or 45º settings. This is important in post-operative rehabilitation of knee injuries. The patented thermal technology provides support and protection for the knee, keeping it warm to help prevent, treat and rehabilitate soft tissue injuries. Item Number 8*278.
DEALERS: This product has a HCPCS Coding Verification Letter under L1832 or L1833. Please contact Orthozone for more information.