Pedag Boot Shoe Tree Shaft Shaper




The Pedag Boot Shoe Tree Shaft Shaper is a boot tree with standard extending mechanism. The pedag BOOT TREE keeps ladies boots in shape, no matter how long they are stored. Thanks to its extending mechanism that adapts to the shape of your boots it gently smoothes creases. The BOOT TREE allows your boots to dry and facilitates cleaning, care and storage.

Familiar across Europe, Asia, Australia and now in the US, Pedag is known for the use of high quality natural materials, anatomically correct orthotics, comfort and relaxed lifestyle.

Pedag Boot Shoe Tree Shaft Shaper

Features include:

Expand to fit almost all boot widths; Makes storing and hanging your boots easier
Make drying and cleaning your boots much easier
Gently smooth out wrinkles
Improve air circulation inside your boots
Made in Germany