Pedag Unisex Drop Metatarsal Arch Inserts


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Drop is orthopedic pellet/insert which allows the metatarsal bones to regain and retain it’s natural position. It alleviates the burning and stinging pains due to mild spreadfoot. It is made of the finest chevreaux leather. It is absolutely colorfast and easily attaches to the inside of the shoe with a self adhesive foil.

Pedag model #134.

Spreadfoot is another “disease” caused mainly by civilization. Hard floors, standing on the feet all day, high heels and/or over weight are all contributing factors. Spreadfoot is quite painful and is one of the most common foot problems. Spreadfoot is caused by a weakened (flat) medial latitudinal arch and can cause stinging pains in the metatarsus area, as well as cramps and tenderness. In the process the metatarsus grows wider, the toes spread and press against the shoe\’s inner sides, the phalanx of the big toe stands out and a bunion is likely to form. Orthotic pellets are efficient remedies, as are gymnastic exercises and massage. Remedies such as Metatarsal pads by Pedag provide effective relief. They support the forefoot and hold the bones of the middle part of the foot in the correct position.


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Small, Medium, Large, X-Large